Homeade Mosquito Remedy Blue Mouthwash Epson Salt Stale Beer

Marlene enjoys being outside. But, outdoor pests can ruin the most enjoyable moments. Marlene shares common tips to help get rid of pests.


Gardening is my favorite pastime because of how much I enjoy spending time in the yard. However, nothing ruins that enjoyment more than being bitten by a mosquito. So I determined that they needed to go, and I wanted to repel them naturally.

A gardening friend, understanding my desire to use safe and organic products, recently shared this wonderful mosquito repellent with me. The following slightly minty smelling and organic mixture can be sprayed throughout the yard to repel the flying pests. The spray is very easy to make (dissolving the salt will probably take the longest). A little separation is completely normal. Just give the bottle a shake before spraying. You can also dilute essential oils that mosquitoes don't like in the mixture.

In my experience, one spraying lasts for about two and a half months before needing to be sprayed again. My friend can't remember where she found this solution, but she's been using successfully for years. I am happy she shared it with me. And I am happy to share this organic mosquito repellent with you.

This organic solution for repelling mosquitoes has worked really well for me—and I hope it works equally as well for you.

I tried it! It works!

These are all of the supplies and ingredients that you'll need to make the mosquito spray at home!

These are all of the supplies and ingredients that you'll need to make the mosquito spray at home!

How to Make DIY Natural Mosquito Repellent


  • 2 (24-ounce) spray bottles
  • Spoon
  • Large bowl
  • Funnel


  • 16-ounce bottle of mint-flavored mouthwash (I used PerioBrite)
  • 3 cups Epsom salt (I used lavender and eucalyptus scented)
  • 3 stale 12 oz. beers (I used Budweiser)


  1. Place all the ingredients together in the large bowl and then mix with the spoon until the Epsom salt is dissolved.
  2. Use the funnel to pour the solution into the spray bottles.
  3. Spray all around the yard, especially anywhere you plan to be outside.


This recipe will produce approximately 8 Cups (64 ounces) of solution. If you let the Epsom salt dissolve completely it will displace some of the volume, thus, producing a mere 64 ounces versus 72 ounces of volume. I recommend letting the Epsom salt dissolve completely so that it sprays out more evenly.

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I found that it is easier to handle the smaller 24-ounce bottle of solution instead of handling the larger (heavier) bottle.

This solution will not harm your yard. In fact, some gardeners say the Epsom salt helps the grass grow greener. But I would not spray it directly on flowering plants. Instinct tells me it might be too harsh for the flowers. Mosquitoes will stay away for about two and a half months. That's almost a whole summer!

What Are the Best Ingredients/Supplies to Buy?

  • Spray Bottles: You can find spray bottles at stores like Walmart; however, the easiest place to find spray bottles in just about any size is Amazon. They offer inexpensive and fast delivery. If you want to cover a large area quickly, you might consider one of those pressure sprayers. You can pick up a decent one for as little as $15 and save your hands a lot of work in the process.
  • Mouthwash: Look for a mouthwash that boasts its organic qualities. Make sure it is mint flavored because mosquitoes do not like the scent of mint. Also, be sure the mouthwash is alcohol-free because mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol. I shopped online and was able to find an organic mouthwash through a health-related store.
  • Epsom Salt: Any Epsom salt will work fine. I just happened to have Epsom salt with lavender and eucalyptus. So I just used that.
  • Beer: Do not spend a lot of money on beer because any beer will work fine. I have seen cheap off-brand beer at the Dollar General for as low as 75 cents per can.


Non-alcoholic beer is still beer. By law, in the United States, brewers are allowed to label beer as non-alcoholic if it contains less than or up to 0.5% of alcohol by volume (ABV). Remember, mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol. So, because of the fact that non-alcoholic beer has alcohol, it is always best to allow beer to sit on the shelf and become stale (allowing the alcohol to evaporate) before using in this solution.

Other Natural Ingredients That Work as Mosquito Repellants

  • Lemon eucalyptus oil
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Marigold
  • Thyme oil
  • Cedar
  • Catnip oil
  • Anise
  • Soybean oil
  • Fennel
  • Citronella
  • Cloves
  • Tea tree oil
  • Geraniol
  • Mint
  • Tansy
  • Neem oil
  • Celery extract
I didn't spray it directly on flowering plants.

I didn't spray it directly on flowering plants.

Are Bees Harmed by Beer, Mouthwash, and Epsom Salt?

After reading a number of gardening guides, scientific journals, and visiting various forums related to bee care, I discovered that the organic mosquito repellent presented in this article, for the most part, is harmless to bees.

Please note: Bees can get drunk from consuming too much alcohol. While the repellent recipe here contains beer, it also contains mouthwash. Bees do not like mouthwash. So if you spray this solution in your yard, it is likely the bees will simply stay away from the areas that are sprayed with the solution. Regarding Epsom salt, scientists have discovered that Epsom salt is safe for bees.

The Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopicts), also known as the Zika virus mosquito.

The Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopicts), also known as the Zika virus mosquito.

The Dangers of Mosquito Bites

A report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides compelling information about the dangers of mosquito bites, indicating that mosquito bites account for several million deaths every year. Two prominent bite-related health concerns are malaria and the Zika virus.


The World Health Organization states that about 3.2 billion people are at risk of contracting malaria, a life-threatening but treatable disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through bites of infected mosquitoes. According to WHO, about 90% of the reported cases are in Africa. Contracting malaria in the US is pretty rare, according to the CDC. There were only 1,724 confirmed cases of it in the US in 2014 (compare that to the millions of cases in some other countries).

The CDC notes that symptoms can appear anywhere from 7-30 days after infection (called the incubation period). Signs can seem somewhat innocuous at first, including fever-like symptoms, tiredness, nausea, and vomiting. These signs usually appear ten to fifteen days after an infected bite. In severe cases, malaria can result in a coma or even death. Antimalarial treatments do exist and can delay the appearance of symptoms, including symptoms in people who took preventative medicines (such as a tourist planning to visit a region known to have many occurrences of the disease).

There are vaccines and treatments available for malaria if you can catch it early enough. One of the tough things about this disease is that extreme symptoms can occur in a matter of hours or days, which potentially isn't enough time to realize the person is infected—let alone get treatment for it. According to WHO's annual world malaria report for 2016, there were approximately 216 million malaria cases of which 445,000 resulted in death.

For signs, symptoms, and treatment of the Zika Virus, read the fact sheet published by the World Health Organization

Zika Virus

As of July 20, 2016, the World Health Organization reported that 65 countries and territories have reported evidence of Zika virus transmissions since 2007, and some of them have been reported in my local area in northern California.

The Zika virus is caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Common symptoms are mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, headache, and possible death. Some notable rare complications are microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome and other neurological complications. When pregnant women are bitten, the virus can be transferred to their fetuses, which can result in birth defects. There is currently no treatment for the virus.

Mosquito Bite Allergies

Most people have mild allergic reactions to mosquito bites. But sometimes people can have severe reactions. Many authorities, including the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), suggest that the most effective solution to ward off mosquitoes is to use mosquito repellent products that contain DEET. Personally, I prefer to shy away from using products that contain chemicals of which I am not familiar. However, I am realistic. I don't like being bit by mosquitoes; at the same time, I don't like taking chances with my health and well-being. The chance of being bit by a mosquito and contracting a harmful disease outweighs any apprehension I have against using products containing DEET. I am smart, and I concede to using products that contain DEET if they are the only solutions at my disposal. It is better to be safe than sorry. And then again, the use of DEET is recommended by authorities who know more than me about repelling mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes And Alcohol

Please note that mosquitoes are attracted to the scent of alcohol and that is the main reason the beer must be stale. You want the alcohol content in the beer to be low or completely evaporated or this mosquito repellent solution will not work.

Please consider that if you are in the yard consuming alcoholic beverages, the mosquitoes will be attracted to you, regardless of how much you do to ward them off.

I have had great success with this mosquito repellent solution and to keep the mosquitoes away from me, I avoid consuming alcoholic beverages while outside in the yard.

I use organic yard spray to repel mosquitoes in the garden.

I use organic yard spray to repel mosquitoes in the garden.


Effects of Organic Mosquito Repellent on Bees

  • Natural Mosquito Repellants via The Peoples' Pharmacy
  • The Home Gardener's Guide to Safe, Bee-Friendly Pesticide via Garden Collage
  • Beer Hops Beneficial to Honey Bees via Yale Environment Review
  • Boozing Bees via New Scientist

Organic Standards

  • Safeguard Organic Standards via Organic Consumers Association
  • Electronic Code of Federal Regulations via the United States Department of Agriculture

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: It doesn't matter if the mouthwash is alcohol free or not. Beer has alcohol, therefore, it won't matter if the mouthwash has alcohol, right?

Answer: Yes. It does matter if the mouthwash has alcohol. Yes. Beer has alcohol. But, remember, for this solution to work, you must allow the alcohol to evaporate from the beer to get to the other qualities that the beer possess without the alcohol.

Mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol, so if there is alcohol in the mouthwash or beer, and if you mix this solution using ingredients that contain alcohol, then you will be making a solution that actually attracts mosquitoes rather than repel mosquitoes.

Question: How does beer prevent mosquitos?

Answer: This mosquito repellent is all about creating a SCENT that mosquitoes do not like. It is important to know that mosquitoes like the smell of alcohol and are attracted to people who drink alcohol. This is the main reason it is highly important that you use "stale" beer for this mosquito yard spray. You want the alcohol to evaporate before using beer in this solution. Once the alcohol has evaporated, the beer now has the scent of thiamine (Vitamin B1) which is a scent that, generally, mosquitoes do not care for.

Thiamine, alone, may not be enough to deter aggressive mosquitoes, however the scent of thiamine, combined with other scents in this solution create an overall scent that (together) help keep mosquitoes away.

Question: For DIY mosquito yard spray, does it matter if we pour the beer in and then let it go stale or does it have to be stale before mixing with the rest of the ingredients? This is what I get for mixing before I read the whole article.

Answer: This is a very good question. In fact, when I was preparing to mix up my last batch I wondered the exact same thing. I opted to let the beer go stale first before mixing it in. I am not a chemist, so I do not know how the chemicals will react if the beer is not already stale. I imagine if you mix it all together and then set it out for a couple of days it should produce the same results.

If you have already mixed it all together, then go ahead and use it. Spray it around your yard. You will know right away if it works. My guess is that it will work. I am curious and would be grateful if you came back to let me know in the comments section.

Question: How do I store organic mosquito yard spray?

Answer: Store this solution in a cupboard, out of the heat.

Question: How long does it take for beer to go stale once it is opened?

Answer: Typically, beer loses about 30% of its alcohol in about 12 hours. The longer the beer is left open and out on the counter, the more the alcohol evaporates, making it go stale. This information is according to "Our Everyday Life" and "Can It Go Bad."

Question: How does the rain affect this homemade mosquito yard spray solution after it is applied?

Answer: In my experience, when there is light rain, such as a light shower, then the solution still seems to be effective. However, after a really hard rain, the solution seems to be less effective and would need to be applied again. You will know if the solution is still effective or not if you see mosquitoes lurking around in the area where the solution has been sprayed.

Question: One is bitten, not bit. A bit goes in a horse's mouth, is that correct?

Answer: In the English language, the word bit has many meanings. A bit does go into a horse's mouth. A bit is also a drilling tool. A bit is a short period of time. In the computer world, a bit is a basic unit of information. In the context of this article, the word bit is the simple past tense and a past participle of bite.

Question: Does organic mosquito yard solution wash away when it rains?

Answer: My experience is, yes, it seems to wash away and become less effective after a heavy rain. However, on days where there is a light sprinkle, it still seems to be effective.

Question: Is this organic mosquito spray pet safe?

Answer: The ingredients used in this solution are ordinarily safe for pets. If your pet is allergic to beer, Epsom salt, or mouthwash, then I would not use this solution. Also, I would not encourage my pet to ingest the solution. When sprayed throughout the yard, in time the solution will dry from evaporation and so it is highly unlikely that a pet would have an opportunity to ingest it anyway. In any event, I am not a chemist and I am only sharing my experience. In my experience, this solution has not harmed any pets in any way.

Question: Will homemade organic mosquito yard spray work on ticks too?

Answer: Since ticks and mosquitoes are different insects, I cannot honestly state whether or not the mosquito repellent solution would work for ticks.

Question: Does the beer have to be stale for organic mosquito spray?

Answer: Yes. Mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol. If you do not let the alcohol evaporate from the beer, then you will be creating a solution that actually ATTRACTS mosquitoes. The beer absolutely MUST be stale.

Question: You said any type of beer would work. What about "near beer," or low-alcohol beer? Will that work too?

Answer: Yes, any kind of beer will work. Although I have not tried it myself, I believe the low-alcohol beer should work. Beers with low alcohol content are made the same way as regular beer, using the same ingredients. The only difference is that the alcohol in non-alcoholic or low-alcohol beer is removed or reduced.

Question: In what way is this recipe 'organic'? All three ingredients (beer, epsom salts, and mouthwash) contain multiple chemicals

Answer: Products can have more than one ingredient and still be labeled as "organic." The Organic Consumers Association allows certain ingredients to be included in the processing of products and still be labeled as organic. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides a national list of allowed and prohibited substances that identifies the synthetic substances that may be used in or on processed organic products. You may view the list by clicking on this helpful link: https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&S...

Question: Can non-alcohol beer be used?

Answer: Yes. Non-alcohol beer would definitely work for this solution, especially considering the fact that the recipe calls for using beer that has allowed the alcohol to evaporate.

Question: What's is the purpose of Epson salt in the spray?

Answer: Since this is a solution that will be applied to the yard, the magnesium sulfate is a compatible mineral that will help preserve the pH levels in the soil.

Question: How long will organic mosquito yard solution last in the sprayer if I mix a large batch, say, four times the amount in the article?

Answer: Forgive me if I sound evasive. However, I think only a study in a scientific lab can give you an honest answer about how long the mosquito yard spray solution will last. When I look at the ingredients in the solution (mouthwash, Epsom salt, and beer), based upon my personal experience, I would feel safe to say the solution will likely not expire before you have a chance to use it all. In other words, I think it will last at least a couple of months if not more. Sometimes, stale beer becomes a little cloudy (because of the low alcohol content), but I think that is OK since you will not be drinking it, just spraying it on the yard. I do suggest that you keep your solution in a dark, cool place - out of the heat and sunlight. I believe that will make it last longer.

Question: Is this organic mosquito spray safe to spray around a yard with small dogs?

Answer: The ingredients in the mosquito spray solution are cited as ordinarily harmless and nontoxic to both humans and animals. Unless the dog is ingesting the lawn in large quantities, I would say it is alright to spray the solution on a yard that contains small dogs.

Question: Am I missing something? 3 - 12 oz beers and 16 oz of mouthwash equals 52 oz. Directions said it makes 64 oz.

Answer: You forgot to add the bulk that comes from the Epsom salt. I have made this solution several times and I have measured it. It makes 64 oz.

Question: If mosquitoes are attracted to mouth wash with alcohol, why is beer included in the organic mosquito yard spray mixture?

Answer: I did say to put beer in the mixture, however, I said to put stale beer into the mixture. You want to let the beer sit out to allow the alcohol to evaporate from the beer.

This solution is about creating a combination of scents that mosquitoes do not like and the combination of the scent of stale beer, Epsom salt, and mint-flavored (alcohol-free) mouthwash create a scent that is repelling to mosquitoes.

Question: In Maine, we have a pretty bad black fly season. I wonder if organic mosquito yard spray will keep them away?

Answer: Like mosquitoes, the black fly is attracted to the carbon dioxide that we breathe out and that is how they find us to bite us for the blood that they need to survive. Since the scent of lavender masks our scent and since mosquitoes do not like the scent of lavender, and since mosquitos and black flies have the same desires and needs, I believe the organic mosquito yard spray would have the same effect on black flies. I believe it is worth the possible result to try it.

Question: How much would I need for a 5 gallon bucket full of homemade mosquito yard spray?

Answer: Just using straight math, each batch of the mosquito repellent solution produces approximately 72 ounces of liquid. Five gallons is equal to 640 ounces. 640 ounces divided by 72 ounces is equal to 8.888. Rounding up, you would need to make nine batches of the solution to make five gallons.

So, converting the recipe into 5 gallons would mean mixing together 18 Cups of Mouthwash, 27 Cups of Epsom Salt, and 27 Cans of 12 ounce beers.

Question: Can this organic mosquito yard spray be sprayed onto our plants? We have a few plants that I think are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Will it harm the growth of the plants? Salts are usually pretty bad for them, no?

Answer: I have sprayed this solution onto plants and it did not harm them. I would definitely not spray this solution on the blossoms of plants, because as you noted, salts are harsh on them.

I feel it is best to spray this solution onto the ground around the plant and not directly onto the plant, not because I think it would harm the plant, but because this solution is all about the scent repelling the mosquitoes and spraying the solution onto the ground should be sufficient.

And, by the way, you only need to spray a light mist.

Question: Can I use a spray bottle that connects to the water hose to spray the DIY organic mosquito spray?

Answer: No. Using a spray bottle that connects to the water hose would not work because the water coming from the hose would dilute the solution.

Question: Will the green or blue coloring in mouthwash stain my painted deck?

Answer: I do not have any experience with whether or not the dye would stain, nevertheless, since this is a yard spray, I would not spray it on furniture or a deck. An alternative precaution might be to use a colorless mouthwash.

Question: Can you quicken the alcohol evaporation by gently heating the beer, or will that lessen the beer effect somehow?

Answer: I am not a scientist, so I do not know all of the chemical relations for heat applied to the ingredients in beer. I do know that heating the beer would get rid of the alcohol content, but I do not know what heat would do to the other chemicals in the beer. I think it is best to have patience and wait for the time it takes for the beer to evaporate on its own.

Question: Is this homemade mosquito yard spray safe to use if we have outdoor pets (dogs and cats)?

Answer: Yes. The ingredients in this solution are considered non-toxic. Plus, consider that you will be lightly spraying this solution onto the ground. It is not likely that your pets will be eating large quantities of dirt and grass. And, if they do, it is safe to say they should not be harmed by the trace amounts of mouthwash, Epsom Salt, and beer that would be sprayed throughout the yard.

Question: Is organic mosquito yard spray safe to use on grass or will it harm plants?

Answer: Yes. This is safe to use on grass. It will not harm the foliage of plants, however, it might harm the blooms of some flowers, so I would be careful when spraying around flowers.

© 2016 Marlene Bertrand

Mary on August 13, 2020:

Marlene, Thank you for posting this recipe and taking the time to share. So sad when people feel free to correct grammar and question everything posted. Keep doing what you are doing, it is appreciated.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 29, 2020:

Hello Victoria! You are so kind. Thank you very much for your remarks. You have made my day so wonderful. I am very happy you found this article to be helpful.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 29, 2020:

Hello Luz! Thank you for researching that about heat and how heat affects beer. I imagine heat does destroy vitamins, but, not being a scientist, I could not say for sure.

Victoria on July 24, 2020:

Ms.Bertrand, I first want to tell you Thank You for the recipe! I truly believe it's better to repel a pest rather than to lure it into your living space. Was considering purchasing an outdoor bug zapper, mosquito trap etc tonight until I read some articles about how these units are not only pricey, but sometimes not truly effective if you don't purchase the bait (and you have to keep purchasing the bait which gets expensive over time) —plus most of the reports I read (the ones where the writer wasn't compensated by including a link on where to purchase a bug zapper/trap) stated that these units will also kill insects that are actually beneficial to the ecosystem.

Your article was well written, easy to understand & extremely helpful, not to mention you saved me quite a "bit" of money (Lol, not a horse's bit! Which leads me to my second reason for why I wanted to post) I read the Q&A section after I read your article. I'll say my apologies now, quite amusing! I hope your readers realize what an extremely smart, patient & kind lady you are. You answered every redundant question, every "is that a real question?" question/comment, with grace & knowledge. Not once were you rude or inconsiderate...you answered each question as if it was the first time you were asked it. Thank you for treating everyone with respect. I wish there were more writers like you who reply so eloquently.

Luz on July 22, 2020:

Thank you, you are right. I think heat harms the B1 vitamin in the beer.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 22, 2020:

Hello Luz,

Thank you for your question. It is a good one. However, I am not a scientist and with that being the case, I do not know how heat will affect the chemical components of the beer.

My sincere suggestion would be to use the ingredients as called for in the recipe. At least by doing so, there is more assurance that the formula should work.

Luz on July 22, 2020:

If I heat the beer, can I make the alcohol evaporate faster?

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 20, 2020:

Hi Joanne, yes, I presume the reasoning is logical that you would leave mouthwash that contains alcohol out on the counter to let the alcohol evaporate.

But then, I now want to ask why a person would buy mouthwash that contains alcohol when mouthwash without alcohol is so readily available.

Please take my comment lightly, as the solution in this article clearly suggests using organic, non-alcoholic mouthwash. If someone opts to use mouthwash that contains alcohol, then I cannot vouch for the results as mouthwash that contains alcolol is not on the ingredients list.

Joanne Smith on July 20, 2020:

So if leaving beer open to get rid of alcohol content then it would make sense if u leave the mouth wash open then it should make the alcohol stale in it

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on June 23, 2020:

Dear Anupam, this solution works very well for me and my family. I do hope it works well for you and your family.

Anupam Mitu from MUMBAI on June 21, 2020:

Thank you so much dear Marlene, it will be of great help for the ones who love gardening. Though I am sharing it with my family now.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on June 07, 2020:

Hello Jo. Thank you for also sending your question to my email box. I hope that I was able to answer your question thoroughly via email.

jo on June 04, 2020:

If I am using this solution on my veranda and entrance ways to my door and on my furniture, I wont be using it on my plants. I have alot of mosquitos around my doorways and most of the time I cannot get in or out of my house without bringing some into the house or there are always many of them flying around the doors, veranda, porch. brick of the house, patio furniture.....Do I have to add epsom salts to my solution ? You mentioned in an earlier moment that it wont harm plants, although I am NOT spraying it on my plants. Will it have the same affect without the epsom salts in it or do I have to have the epsom salts in the mixture, as I am spraying mostly on the perimeter of the house, entrance doors, patio, outside furniture, etc. Please advise as if you already used this I would like to know the effect. Thank you as we have a serious issue with mosquitos, non of us can go out without having bites....its that bad. thanks for your help.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on May 26, 2020:

Hello Aurelio, yes, just in time for summer. And, the good thing about this solution is that if you spray it at the beginning of the summer, you won't have to spray it again until towards the end of the summer.

Aurelio Locsin from Orange County, CA on May 26, 2020:

This is just in time for summer when we'll be spending more time outdoors and trying to avoid mosquitos. Thanks for the post.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on May 16, 2020:

Miebakagh, you are quite welcome.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on May 16, 2020:

MarleneB, thanks for the input.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on May 15, 2020:

Hello Miebakagh, please consider the response to Rajan Singh Jolly. As you can see, I do not recommend using the spray indoors.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on May 15, 2020:

Rajan, this is definitely an outdoor solution. I would not use it in the house because it does leave a residue and it does have a scent of mint that you may not want to have indoors. I would spray it on window screens and screen doors (still, beware of the residue). It is definitely meant to be used on the ground.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on May 12, 2020:

Rajah, your question is significant. I'not consider it to be used indoors. So, I'll like to hear froom the author also. Thanks for the input.

Rajan Singh Jolly from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on May 11, 2020:

Thanks for sharing this successfully tried mosquito repellant spray. It will come in very handy now that summer is here. Just wondering if it is safe to spray in the house, Marlene?

bhattuc on December 12, 2019:

Excellent article. You have done much research to write this elaborate one. Thanks.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on September 11, 2019:

Oh thank you Lucy for your deodorant idea. I will remember this tip if ever I get a mosquito bite again. But, honestly, since I have been using this mosquito spray around my yard I have not had a mosquito bite while at home and my friends use it too and since we all hang out together, we are fortunate that mosquito bites are a thing of the past.

Lucy Ashton on September 11, 2019:

I'm a mosquito magnet and the bites used to last at least a week and get pretty swollen. If I can apply stick deodorant to the area pretty soon after being bitten, the bite goes away completely. It takes 20-30 minutes but then it's gone for good. A dab of tea tree oil seems to help, too. After reading in two different places about using deodorant (I was skeptical) I tried it. Just remember to put it in ASAP and it takes 20-30 minutes to work (on me anyway). If I wait too long after getting a bite it doesn't seem to help.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on September 03, 2019:

Dear Kim,

Thank you for sharing your experience with the Mosquito Yard Spray Solution. Your testimony means the world to me.

Like you, I would get eaten alive whenever I first stepped outside. Since I have been using this spray, the mosquitoes leave me alone. I spray it everywhere I plan to walk, stand or sit in the yard and they don't bother me anymore. I am glad to see this works for you as well.

Yes, every two months is a good system.

Kim Miller on September 02, 2019:

WOW, it works! We bought a home in the woods, in the FL panhandle (lots of rain) and near a bay. We've been eaten alive in our mosquito infested yard since we moved here. One day, I was in the yard for only a few minutes and had 10 on my legs, all getting ready to bite. I sprayed this mix today and it's the first time I've been able to walk around with no bites! We can enjoy our yard now and this recipe is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this! I'm going to use it every 2 months.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 05, 2019:

Eric, you make me blush with your compliments. Thank you. I am very serious about avoiding mosquito bites so I read all there is to know about repelling them. When I find something worthwhile, I like to share it. And, since I am not a certified expert on the subject, I might as well cite where I receive the information.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on July 05, 2019:

OK now I have put you on speed bookmark. These comments and questions and answers have filled me in on the spray. But more amazing is finding someone with such an abundance of knowledge in this area. A natural nutritionist that cites the CFR's Wow!!

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 04, 2019:

Thank you readmikenow! Up here in the mountains all of the insects are huge. I get sick from mosquiro bites so I do all that I can to avoid bites. I am confident that this solution would work for your area as well as mine.

Readmikenow on July 04, 2019:

Excellent article. It has a lot of good information. It has been a wet year this year where I live and mosquitoes are a problem. This is the type of article everyone can benefit from reading.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on June 06, 2019:

Hi Kim H. I apologize for the late response. I just saw this today.

Regarding making beer stale, it does take a couple of days to make the beer stale, so for this remedy, you simply cannot be in a hurry.

It is most important to make sure the beer is stale because mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol and if you make the mixture with fresh (or unstale) beer, then you would actually be inviting the mosquitoes to your yard . By the way, I have never tried this solution without beer.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on June 06, 2019:

Dear Angie, I am so sorry this did not work for you. I don't know what went wrong. My husband and I are just about to make up another batch for our yard because it works so well for us. We live in the high Sierra mountains where there are lots of mosquitoes and when we use this solution the mosquitoes stay away from us.

I can't imagine what went wrong with your solution. Did you make sure the beer was stale? Remember, the mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol, so if the beer is not stale, the mosquitoes will be attracted to the area you spray the solution.

Angie on June 06, 2019:

This did not work! Wasted $$$ on ingredients and a sprayer!!!

Kim H on May 26, 2019:

Thank you so much for posting this! Have you tried it without beer? (I'd like to try this recipe in two day's time, but don't know how make beer stale in two days.)

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on May 15, 2019:

Hello Stephanie, I enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Used appropriately, they have benefits beyond measure.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on May 15, 2019:

Well noted.

Stephanie Bradberry from New Jersey on May 15, 2019:

Very interesting recipe. I utilize essential oils for my bug repellent.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on November 13, 2018:

Hey, Marlene, thanks for weighing in and commenting. Good day.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on November 12, 2018:

Yes. I am proof that it works. The key is to be sure the beer is stale because mosquitoes are attracted to alcohol.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on November 12, 2018:

Hey, Marlene, if it works for you and your friend, and you are the proof that it works, it will surely work for me and others upon doing the thing correctly. I am preparing my ingredients. Thanks again for sharing, and have a nice day today.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on November 12, 2018:

Thank you Miebakagh Fiberesima. I do hope this solution works well for you.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on November 11, 2018:

Hey, Mariene, I will try it soon, because the ingredients seem easy to get. Thanks for sharing what your friend shared with you. What an open-mind soul you are! Happy Sunday.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on June 26, 2018:

Hello Amy. I don't know whether or not this solution will deter ants. Mosquitoes and ants have different characteristics and require different techniques to deter them. An ingredient that would deter mosquitoes might actually attract ants, and vise versa. I am actually researching to write an article to show how to prepare a safe and organic ant repellent. I hope you have a chance to read it. And, if so, I hope it helps with your ant problem.

Amy on June 26, 2018:

What about ants? Will his deter them?

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on May 10, 2018:

Hi Dream On! I do believe it will work on black flies, as well as mosquitoes. I believe the lavender scent will drive them away, just like with the mosquitoes. It just might work!

DREAM ON on May 10, 2018:

Your hub is worth 10,000 mosquitoes. All dead of course. I will give it a try. I like being outside in the grass. We also have a bad black fly season. Do you know if it will work on them? I love things that are all natural instead of chemicals. I rather be safe than sorry. I also use a zapper it works well. It attracts them to the zapper and poof they disappear. I actually like the noise of a zapper because I know it is one less bite. Have a great day. Thank you for your informative and helpful hub.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on March 28, 2018:

Hi Casey, I read a few gardening guides and visited forums and for the most part, found that this formula does not harm bees. I should note that bees can get drunk from consuming too much beer, however bees do not like mouthwash and simply stay away from the solution altogether. With regard to Epsom salt, most reports that I read indicated Epsom salt was safe for bees. Thank you for this question. I will update this article to include this answer.

Casey on March 28, 2018:

Does this affect bees?

I have a lot of pollinators in the summer & want to be sure they won't be deterred.

I live on a river with a run-off stream & have horrendous mosquitos May-Oct usually.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on August 18, 2017:

Hi Audrey, if there are 10 people hanging out in the yard and only one person can get stung by a mosquito, I would be the one being stung. They seem to love me too. This mosquito repellant works really well for me. By the way, aloe vera is an excellent solution to soothe the bites.

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on August 14, 2017:

Mosquitos love me! I get bitten all summer long. The bites turn red and swell up something terrible. I've been using aloe vera to soothe these irritated areas.

Thanks for this organic spray solution.

Kempshark on June 18, 2017:

Does the beer have to be stale.....and if so, why?....just curious, because I have the beer in hand, but never have stale beer around.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on September 09, 2016:

Hello ChitrangadaSharan. You are so fortunate that you don't have mosquito worries. We have a lot of them around here and so I do all that I can to avoid them.

Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on September 09, 2016:

A very useful and helpful hub to prevent mosquito related problems!

We don't have many of them here but I take precautions even if I notice one f them. Mosquitoes cause many diseases and some of them can be life threatening.

Your organic solutions are much preferable compared to the chemical creams and sprays.

Thanks for sharing!

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on August 20, 2016:

Hello Barbara Kay! They keep talking about a drought here, but I tend not to believe there is a drought because of the number of mosquitoes. I do hope this solution works for you.

Barbara Kay on August 20, 2016:

We've had a drought here this summer, so mosquito haven't been a problem. Next year I'll try your recipe. It sounds easiest enough and I have everything on hand except the beer.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on August 03, 2016:

Hello vocalcoach, well for sure Nashville has some serious mosquitoes. I hear people tell stories about how aggressive they are. I hope this solution works for you.

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on August 02, 2016:

I'm so happy to find your outdoor mosquito spray. Do I ever need this! I get eaten alive here in Nashville. My neighbors yard is a real jungle harboring mosquitos everywhere,

Love natural products and eager to make my own. Big thanks. Sharing

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on August 02, 2016:

Hello DDE, I am glad you like the idea. I hope this solution works for helping you get rid of mosquitoes.

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on August 02, 2016:

I like your ideas and sounds helpful.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 26, 2016:

Hello MsDora! Thank you for the reminder about using regular herbs. One reader mentioned something about basil and I totally forgot about rosemary sprigs. I grow both of these herbs in my garden. Have a wonderfully blessed day.

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on July 25, 2016:

Thank you for sharing this remedy. I believe in natural solutions and have been using fresh basil and rosemary sprigs indoors. Now I will try your outdoor solution. Very helpful!

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hi tirelesstraveler. For me, mosquito bites can send me into a very lifeless state of being. I actually get sick, so I am happy to have this solution. And, like you noticed, it is really easy to make.

Judy Specht from California on July 25, 2016:

This solution seems so easy and effective. I just itch with mosquito bites, but it's enough to drive a body nuts. Excellent hub!

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Oh, Manitita, regarding the zapper... The mosquitoes are attracted to the zapper and when they touch the zapper they get zapped with electricity. I had a zapper. It works, but it is noisy. Every time a mosquito gets zapped I could hear them frying from the electrical charge, which can get quite annoying over time.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hello word55. Yes. It works beautifully in my area. I just hope they don't become immune to this solution and break through the barrier. Many blessings to you, too.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hello AliciaC. You are so fortunate to live in an area where you are not bothered by mosquitoes. Well, at least now, if they start to show up, you can mix up a quick solution to keep them away.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hello Surabhi Kaura. Thank you very much for your solutions. I am anxious to try the holy basil. I have not seen it at the nurseries, but you can bet I will be looking for it from now on. Also, I'll be trying the room freshener idea. That's a quick and easy solution.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

HelloMatt Easterbrook5. Living where the mosquitoes enjoy living is no fun. This bottle of spray is one solution that works quite well. But, some mosquitoes seem to be "hungrier" than others so every now and then an aggressive mosquito breaks through and annoys me to no end.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hello manatita44. While I don't have a degree or certificate, I could say I am knowledgeable on just about every remedy available for warding off mosquitoes. They attack me with a vengeance and I get really sick whenever I get bit so I have read extensively about them and what I can do to avoid being bit by them. Oh, by the way, the short answer to your condo question is no. And, I'll get more details to you a little later. And, thank you for your compliment. I love being out in the garden.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hello billybuc, you are so lucky to live in a mosquito-free zone. Me? I'm not so lucky. The mosquitoes here are extremely aggressive. I'm glad I found a way to keep them away.

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 25, 2016:

Hello Faith Reaper. I suffer a lot whenever I am bit by mosquitoes. They mostly hover around my husband but they only bite me. I don't like spraying stuff on my body, so I was really happy to find a solution that I could spray around the yard.

Al Wordlaw from Chicago on July 25, 2016:

Hi Marlene, this seems like the perfect yard solution to dealing with mosquitoes and other similar insects that attacks us outside. Thank yu for sharing. God bless!

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on July 24, 2016:

Thank you very much for sharing this recipe, Marlene. I haven't been bothered by mosquitoes in my garden yet this summer, but I will definitely keep your yard spray in mind.

Matthew A Easterbrook from Oregon on July 24, 2016:

I live in Oregon and we get mosquitoes that are sure annoying when you are trying to relax or BBQ on your patio. I will try this organic solution and I am hopeful it will work as good for me as the success you received in your backyard. I really appreciate the research and time you put into this hub article.



manatita44 from london on July 24, 2016:

Great Hub! I did not know that you venture in this area of expertise. I see that some athletes have refused to go to Brazil as problems with the Zika are supposedly rampant there.

I used to travel a lot. The Germans created something called a 'zapper' for zapping the mosquitoes, or is it zapping themselves. I've forgotton now. I have gone to eleven African countries, perhaps, and others where I would also worry. God's grace I have been ok. I generally take doxycycline or malarone.

Your garden looks beautiful! Are you still in the Condo? Excellent Hub.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on July 24, 2016:

Very helpful article for these days we live in. We are not bothered much by mosquitoes here in Olympia.....which you would expect for God's country. LOL

Surabhi Kaura on July 23, 2016:

A pertinent article! And, especially in these weathers when mosquitoes are quite common. I normally get mosquito-bites when I am outside or during the evening walk at the park. Sometimes my loved ones tease me, saying that my blood is so sweet that the mosquitos can't resist. Lol.

There's an ancient technique that we use to keep them away from our home - holy basil plants (tulsi). Just plant a holy basil plant in your backyard or at the entry points of your home. The leaves are said to kill the mosquito larvae. You can also use lavender-scented room fresheners. I use Lilac Oil and Coconut Oil on my arms and legs. It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties, and it keeps away the mosquitos.

Interesting points in your hub, especially about the Zika virus. So many new viruses. But then its our responsibility to keep our inner and outer areas neat and clean. Cleanliness is next to Godliness... as the saying goes, aha.

Faith Reaper from southern USA on July 23, 2016:

Oh, Wow, Marlene!

Thank you for sharing this recipe for organic mosquito yard spray. Here in the Deep South, we have monster mosquitos who seem to love to eat me alive ...My husband can be sitting right next to me and they won't bite him at all, but they attack me for some reason.

I am certainly trying this good advice out here. Thank you again for sharing. I hope you are well.

Peace and blessings

Marlene Bertrand (author) from USA on July 23, 2016:

Hello Eric! I get absolutely sick in bed when I get mosquito bites, so it is a serious matter to me. Like you, I am always making sure there is no standing water anywhere near my home. Thank you so much for your positive feedback.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on July 23, 2016:

Really great. We are crazy about not standing water. We have visited Southeast Asia and went crazy with repellent. We are hypervigillante with our young child.

We love our spiders and other insects but mosquitoes are a no no. This hundred + plus heatwave knocks them dead.

Very good article to raise awareness.


Source: https://dengarden.com/gardening/Organic-Mosquito-Yard-Spray

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