Feed a Family for 2 Weeks for 15 Dollars

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The $44 Menu Plan Feeding a Family of 5 for Two Weeks- The Fundamental Home

This has been a time of bounty.  We are coming off the end of summer.  Everyone is back on a rather normal school schedule. Our cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer are stocked.  Life is good.

So, this week, when we made our bi-weekly shopping trip, we discovered that there wasn't much we actually NEEDED.  Instead, we could just get some great bargains and use them to build our menu plan.

Of course, I started at our local discount grocery store.  After that, it was Aldi.  My total spending: $44. 15.

Even I was impressed. As you know, we usually budget $50 every two weeks for our family of 5.  (If you didn't know, be sure to check out my blog series called, "How I Feed My Family of 5 for $100 Every Month" for more details about how I shop.)  This was probably my smallest haul in a really long time.  Even so, I got some amazing deals!

My favorite deal of all was the packages of frozen bagels.  I got them 4 for $1.  I also bought some hot dogs for $1 a package.  What made them special was that these were all beef, kosher, gluten free hot dogs.  Let me tell you, having a child with special dietary needs means that hot dogs usually aren't a family friendly meal.  Sure, I buy them, but then I have to make Ricky something else.  Not this time.  I could but these hot dogs knowing that everyone in the family could eat them.  That is a great buy!  Another great deal was the frozen, antibiotic-free, ground turkey that we purchased for $1 a pound.  I was SUPER excited about that.

I can't neglect to mention, too, that my sweet friend shared her bounty with me.  We were the recipients of a large supply of free food thanks to her generosity.  Her mother decided to get rid of some things in her freezer, so she have them to the daughter.  Well, my friend filled her freezer and offered me what wouldn't fit.  And guess what?!  A lot of it was gluten free!  BONUS!

Anyway, if you want to see all of my great deals, check out the video haul:

My face, though ๐Ÿ™‚

This shopping trip was on Thursday, but I have not had a moment to post the video or share my menu plan until now.  I rushed to make sure it was available to you ASAP!  Without further ado, here is the menu plan…

Thursday, Sept. 8, 2016- Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese, Baked Beans, Tomato Salad

Friday 9- Homemade Bagel Pizzas with ground turkey (1/2 lb.), peppers, onions, and tomatoes

Saturday 10- Chili with Ground Turkey (1/2 lb.), crackers

Sunday 11 (feeding 3 college students)- Spaghetti with GF pasta and ground turkey (cook 1 lb. Use 1/2 lb. and freeze other 1/2 lb.)

Monday 12 (homeschool co-op)- Bagel Pizzas for co-op,  Crockpot BBQ chicken on biscuits, with potatoes and corn

Tuesday 13- Chicken Pot Pie

Wednesday 14-  Chicken and rice bake with broccoli

Thursday 15- Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Bagels w/ fried potatoes

Friday 16 (Homeschool groupteen game night, me and Rick alone for dinner <3 ) Eat out with coupons.

Saturday 17- Crockpot Chicken and Rice with taco seasoning, beans, and veggies

Sunday 18- Chicken soup

Monday 19 (homeschool co-op)- Homemade Hot Pockets for co-op, Crockpot Poor Man's Stew

Tuesday 20-Breakfast dinner- eggs, bacon, biscuits, homemade jam, pie

Wednesday 21-  Turkey Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies

That's it.  I went ahead and linked to videos and pins that I am using.  I added lunch items that needed to be prepared in advance rather than eaten continental style as usual.  If you were wondering, lunch and breakfast are not on the menu because everyone makes their own.  You can read more about it in part two of my blog series on how I feed my family.  You can also check out another bi-weekly menu plan if you are interested in learning more about how we eat.

This is the whole menu plan, even though today is Saturday.  The family is enjoying chili as I type, so I am going to run and grab a nibble.  I hope the plan encourages you as you try to feed your family on a tight budget.  Be sure to join our Frugal Family Food Facebook group if you are looking for more ideas.  It is really the best Facebook group out there ๐Ÿ™‚


Source: https://www.thefundamentalhome.com/the-44-menu-plan-feeding-a-family-of-5-for-two-weeks/

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